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December 2019

President’s Letter December 2019

Marines of the 38th & 39th OCC and Basic Classes 3-66 & 4-66

‘Tis the Time of the Year, as the carol goes, so on behalf of the Officers and Board Members of the Alumni Group, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year is extended to all Marines and their families.

While we all look forward to celebrating the Holidays, we are reminded that our ranks continue to shrink: Gene Gibbons, one of our enthusiastic golfers, passed away on 15 Nov 19 after a bout with cancer. As quoted from his obit: “He will be remembered for his outrageous and elaborate storytelling, his outstanding sense of humor, and his warm and outgoing personality. He is fondly remembered by his classmates in the Marines 38 th OCC/Basic Class 3-66.” Gene’s wife, Mary has indicated that donations to the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation in memory of Gene would be appropriate. Gene, Rest in Peace.

Speaking of the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, in the last President’s Letter, an appeal was made for individual donations to the Foundation in memory of fallen classmates of the Vietnam conflict, an effort originally spearheaded by Dave Mellon. Pat Sirmon assumed responsibility for this effort at Dave’s request. Pat reports that individual donations to the Foundation exceeded $11,000 and that a letter of appreciation was received from the President of the Foundation, LtGen Robert R. Ruark USMC (Ret.).

Well done, Marines.

Reunion 2021 Planning : Lonnie Meyers, Jim Conklin and I are planning to meet in LasVegas 15-17 March 2019 to finalize a facility commitment and investigate options for attendee participation events. The dates currently in consideration are the weeks beginning 18 and 25 October 2021. Pencil in your calendars.

Financial Matters/Annual Membership Contributions : Walt Flynn reminds us that the current fiscal year of the Corporation (the Alumni Group) ends on 31 December 2019. Chuck Sooter will prepare the end-of-year statements and the transition to Walt as the new Treasurer will then take place.

Effective with the start of the new fiscal year, all financial transactions will be directed through Walt. His contact information is as follows:

Walter H. Flynn, Jr

9 Regina Rd

Weymouth, MA 02188-2717


(H) 781-335-7363

(M) 617-974-8199

Walt has indicated that he holds one check for deposit, Pete Clay’s 2020 annual contribution, and invites all members desiring to contribute to the Corporation to submit their checks payable to the “38th OCC/BC3-66 Alumni” to him at the address above.

2019 Reunion Vests : Jack Sheehan advises that 2019 Reunion Vests are still available and that if size is an issue, he may be able order your size. Contact Jack at 401-255-0387 or jacksheehanjtown@me.com .

That is all the scoop we have for now

Semper Fi, Jim Herak

November 2019

President’s Letter November 2019

Marines of the 38th & 39th OCC and Basic Classes 3-66 & 4-66

As this is my first President’s Letter, it is appropriate to remind all hands that 10 November 2019 will mark the 244th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps. A happy birthday is extended to all Marines and their families, from every generation and every conflict to date. A copy of the Commandant’s Birthday message is available at www.hqmc.marines.mil/cmc. There is also a video featuring the Commandant and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps emphasizing Marine Corps teamwork and adaptability regardless of the nature of its assigned missions. This message is also at the core of the Commandant’s Message. The video can be accessed via Google or Youtube.

2019 Reunion : congratulations is in order to Walt Flynn and his reunion committee, led by Jack Sheehan and Larry Akers, for their efforts on the 2019 Reunion in Newport, RI. While the weather was not clear blue skies, nevertheless the mansion trip and the visit to the Naval War College didn’t deter a good time by all. The ladies were treated to a luncheon at 22Bowens, which to my understanding, was an outstanding affair. Renate Akers deserves a thank you for co-ordinating that event. The free time built into the schedule enabled many to renew old friendships and avail themselves of the many seafood restaurants in the area.

But the highlight of the reunion was provided by General Butch Neal at the Thursday night banquet. He drew down from his vast experience in the Marine Corps as related in his book, What Now Lieutenant, and how those experiences influenced his leadership development. He also displayed a sense of levity by effectively “roasting” a number of our class members. The General’s presentation was not only informative, but entertaining as well.

2021 Reunion : moving on to a discussion concerning future Reunion sites, Walt Flynn had mentioned in an earlier message that both San Francisco and Las Vegas were under consideration for the 2019 Reunion. Lonnie Myers and Steve Snyder made several contacts with the Marine Memorial Club in San Francisco, while Jim Conklin investigated several sites in Las Vegas. Our four man exploratory committee concluded that from a room cost perspective, Las Vegas would provide reasonably price alternatives to the Marine Memorial Club. That conclusion was presented to the membership by Lonnie Myers at the meeting on Thursday. While the “favorite” site in Las Vegas is the Golden Nugget, the Reunion Committee is set to meet in Las Vegas in March 2020 to finalize a site for 2021.

Lonnie Myers has assumed the Chairmanship of the 2021 Reunion Committee; we are appealing to the membership, especially “western” Marines to volunteer for participation on the committee.

Integration of the 4-66 membership into the Website : We welcome the addition of the 39th OCC/Basic Class 4-66 to our organization. At the reunion, 4-66 members totaled 17; we anticipate that in future reunions, their participation rate will increase.

Jack Sheehan and website manager Rich Hennessey have commenced the process of adding TBS 4-66 class members to our existing website. Each member will be entered in alphabetical order and embedded in the existing membership structure. The only distinguishing mark on the newly created member profile will be a “466” designator in front of the new member’s last name. Robbie Robinson, the 4-66 co-ordinator, will assist Jack and Rich with any issues which might arise in the process.

Charitable Donations : the Board recently approved donations to two organizations which we have historically supported. They are as follows:

Marine Corps Scholarship Fund $ 2000.00

Semper Fi/Wounded Warriors Fond $ 4000.00

The Charitable Gifts Committee, chaired by Stan Pasieka with members Larry Aker, Jack Sheehan and Chuck Sooter, provided input to the Board.

As some of you may be aware, Dave Mellon would conduct an appeal to the membership for individual donations to the Marine Corps Scholarship Fund. Dave would collect donations from individuals, consolidate them and send them on to the fund. The Fund would then issue a confirmation letter suitable for tax purposes to each individual. Before Dave’s passing, he asked Pat Sirmon to carry on with this effort. If you wish to perpetuate Dave’s interest in this organization, forward your check made out to the Marine Corps Scholarship Fund to:

Pat Sirmon

231 North Circle

Fairhope, AL 36532

Our Stories Submissions : at the reunion in San Antonio, Chuck Sooter proposed that space be made available in the Website for memorializing “stories” generated by member Marines based on their experiences in the Marine Corps. There have a number of such stories submitted, but we need more. This is your chance to write your “memoirs” before you forget your illustrious past. You are invited to contact Chuck for any assistance on this matter.

That is all that I have pass on.

Semper Fi, Jim Herak

July 2019

President’s Letter July, 2019

Greetings brothers. I have held off long enough waiting to amass sufficient information to pass on. I believe I’m ready now.

Thanks to Jack Sheehan’s outstanding efforts, all of our problems with the website and the “Constant Contact” account have been resolved. We are now addressing the backlog of traffic that built up subsequent to the passing of Dave Mellon and our webmaster Sam Patel. Jack has taken on management of the “Constant Contact” account and is preparing to school several of us as backups. Further, Jack identified a well-qualified individual, Richard Hennessey of Smithfield, RI, as a webmaster candidate. I briefed the Executive Board on his qualifications and they approved my going forward with an offer to Rich. His compensation will be the same as for Sam. At this time, Rich and I have agreed to the terms of a consulting agreement and will sign that document within the week. Rich will soon provide schooling for both Jack and I on the website, and Jack has asked him to provide a clear written picture of the website’s structure. We will also organize our input/changes of address so that it coordinates with “Constant Contact”. Well done Jack.

While I’m throwing the praises in Jack’s direction, they have to be thrown in Larry Aker’s direction too. As chairs of the 2019 Reunion, they met just a few days ago with the Marine team from the Navy War College and the Marine Corps Detachment Newport. They toured the facilities we will be using (USNWC, chapel, and auditorium) and pronounced them “marvelous.” A committee meeting is being scheduled for the near future to resolve final details.

Here are a few reunion details which need resolution soonest:

1) The registration date has been extended to August 30. We currently have registrations from 87 individuals. Time is running out on all of us; take the time now to hook up with your buddies who went through what you did. They would like to see you; I know I surely would.

2) We have committed to 61 rooms per night, or 244 room nights. At present we have 52 rooms per night and 202 room nights. If you plan to attend, or are thinking of attending, make your room reservations ASAP.. Give the committee ample time to negotiate any additional rooms required and cover your backsides in the process.

3) We are still looking at the issue of transportation from the airport in Providence to the hotel and then back. Just in case the committee is unable to orchestrate a shuttle plan, it is suggested that you have, or acquire, an Uber or Lyft app to order a ride. The committee recommends that you do not use taxis because of the expense. The Lyft pickup area is outside the arrival area and the Uber pickup is by Garage “C”. The Lyft charge to Newport is about $35 and the Uber is estimated at about $40. As we get closer to the reunion date, the committee will provide what assistance it can to coordinate/assist attendees in arranging “joint” trips.

4) Brothers are reminded that if you have any questions or need any assistance contact Walt Flynn at 781-335-7363 or by email at whflynnjr@comcast.net.

5) Mike and Janice Parker would like the four hour sail on the 12 meter yacht. Sheehan thought it would be great if we could get a full crew; maybe even two crews to race against each other. Anyone interested, let me know.

I almost forgot the biggest detail. We have received from Gen Richard I Neal, former Assistant Commandant, agreement to be our guest speaker at the reunion banquet. Gen. Neal was commissioned through the PLC program in 1965 upon graduation from Northeastern University. He served as the Assistant Commandant from September 27, 1996 until his retirement on November 1, 1998. Most of you will remember him as the briefing officer during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. More than that, as a field artillery officer he served with many of our classmates, not the least of which was John Bobo.

On a more serious note. Many of you will remember Digger O’Dell’s impassioned plea at a prior reunion concerning Agent Orange and its effects on those of us who served in Vietnam. Today, the need to understand and appreciate that issue and its obvious effects remains. the number of deaths of classmates from cancers points that out. However, a new scourge has arrived, Parkinson’s Disease (PD), resulting from both Agent Orange and exposure to the contaminants in the Camp Lejeune water supply. The VA has recently established a presumption of service connection for a number of cancers and PD due to that exposure. Individuals must have served at CLNC and MCAS New River for at least 30 days during the period between August 1, 1953 and December 31, 1987. Additionally, DoD has found cancer-causing chemicals used in firefighting foam in the groundwater and drinking water at 175 military installations.

Parkinson’s affects the nervous system through impairment or death of nerve cells in the brain and causing the reduction in the production of dopamine reducing one’s control of muscle movement. Older individuals are the most common group diagnosed with PD. Some symptoms are resting tremors, muscle rigidity, slowed movement, change in posture, weakened facial and throat muscles, freezing gait (feeling as if the feet are glued to the ground), small handwriting, trouble sleeping, constipation and excessive sweating.

If you have noticed any of these symptoms, usually on only one side of the body, get an appointment ASAP with a neurologist skilled in the treatment of tremors. If diagnosed, the available medications and therapies work wonders. My meds, “Rock Steady Boxing” and “Pedaling With Parkinson’s” help me through the day with hardly any indication of the disease or disruption of function. If you have any question, give me a buzz.

Finally, we grieve over the passing of two more classmates. On March 13, 2019, LtCol Richard Bagby passed away at home from congestive heart failure. Initially a field artillery officer, he ultimately moved into the “Infomatics” field prior to his retirement after 23 years. After retirement, he worked in health care administration.

On May 5, 2018, Colonel Howard Hoffman passed away peacefully after being in failing health over the last few years. He was a Naval Aviator and a flight instructor who served for 27 years.

Semper Fi, Walt

February 2019

President’s Letter

11 February 2019

Just a short note this month.

Newport Reunion

The Reunion Committee has elected to provide transportation from the T. F. Green Airport (Providence) to the Wyndham Hotel in Newport for all attendees. Further, the Committee strongly recommends that all attendees using commercial airlines fly into Green so that the need for individuals to arrange for transfers to the hotel will be minimized.

For those who must fly into Boston’s Logan Airport for whatever reason, it is recommended that you rent a car to travel the ninety minutes to the hotel. It is simply too difficult to manage Committee provided transportation from both Logan and Green.

As we get closer to the reunion, flight arrivals will be published so that attendees may be able to link up with others to perhaps arrange joint transportation.

Additionally, the van will be available for the duration of the reunion, including Friday, for trips to the airport.


Major Ray Schmidt of Basic Class 4-66 passed away on 17 January 2019 in Escondido, California. Ray was a former enlisted Marine and he served for twenty-one years. No services are planned and he will be buried at sea with full military honors in a private ceremony.

Dave Mellon, whose passing was reported last month, will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery on 24 June 2019 at 1:00 PM.

Voluntary Contributions

Steve McComb reminds us that the teller windows are open for the voluntary contributions so necessary for our association to carry out its charitable endeavors and its necessary functions. Send your checks made out to the “38th OCC / BC 3-66 Alumni” to Steve at 2960 Pharr Court South, NW, Unit N3, Atlanta, GA 30305.

Semper Fi


January 2019

Marines of the 38th & 39th OCC and Basic Classes 3-66 & 4-66

In Memoriam: David Mellon
August 12, 1943 - December 29, 2018

2018 was a tough year for our 38th OCC/BC 3-66 USMC alumni association. We lost several of our finest Marine classmates, all to various causes. Our condolences and prayers continue to go out to all the family of those Marine brothers we lost.

The latest Marine to pass away was one of the cornerstones of our organization, David Mellon. Dave, besides being a Marine was a beloved husband, father and grandfather. He lost his battle with inoperable pancreatic cancer and the harsh effects of chemotherapy drugs on Saturday, December 29, 2018. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Valerie, daughters Kimberly and husband Fredrik, daughter Andrea and husband Thomas, his seven grandchildren, older brother Ronnie and younger sisters Faye and Betty and several nieces and nephews.

Dave stayed very involved with our association until his passing. He was there at the beginning to help our organization come together in 2001. In 2007, he was elected Vice President of our class and in 2009 became President. During his time in office he did a superb job of leading and directing our class to further its growth. He was instrumental in establishing our "Class Website", developing our "Constant Contact" program, and working on our reunion committees for the West Coast.

In addition to his involvement with our class he was deeply involved in the West Coast Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation (MCSF), the Laguna Niguel Military Support Committee, Semper Fi Fund, Cornell University football and lacrosse, Marriage in the Lord classes at St. Edward Catholic Church and a member of the Knights of Columbus.

David's history in the Marine Corps was laced with Honor, Courage and Commitment. He began at Officer Candidate School (C2) in 1965 where he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant, followed by Basic School (D3) where he was trained as an infantry officer (MOS 0302) to command our young Marines into battle. He was in Vietnam from July 1966 to February 1967, w/Bravo 1/9, basically in the Khe Sahn and the Hill areas. In February of 1967 he was wounded and medevac'd to Okinawa. Dave was flown back to the states in August 1967. The remainder of Dave's time in the Corps was spent working as OIC of SERE training and Commander of H&S Company at Camp Pendleton until his discharge in January 1969. Dave left the Marines as a Captain. He was honored with a Purple Heart w/1 star and a Navy Commendation Medal w/Combat "V".

Val volunteered that Dave loved annual family and friends ski trips, roller blading 3 miles daily, ocean paddling, hiking and especially spending time with his grandchildren...they like to refer to him affectionally as "Baba". He was a man who loved his family, his friends, his God and his country. He was not a saint, but he was a generous and steadfast and loving and his word was his bond.

Dave's Funeral Mass will take place at:

St. Edward Catholic Church
33926 Calle La Primavera
Dana Point, CA

on February 28, 2019 at 11:00 am with reception following.

Internment at Arlington National Cemetery at a later date to be announced.

In lieu of flowers please make donations to the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation in Dave's name (Dave was the lead fund raiser for the Scholarship Foundation) or Semper Fi Fund.

If anyone plans on attending Dave's memorial service at Dana Point please notify Terry Cox (tcox95@cox.net) so he can let the family know.

Semper Fidelis.


To read more about the lives of these Classmates, click on their names:

Steven Leach
Died May 21, 2017 suddenly, No cause of death identified

Calvin S. Croom, III
Died on September 8, 2017, No cause of death identified

Jerome A. Terrebonne
Died June 15, 2018, No cause of death identified

Barry O'Neil
Died June 25, 2018, No cause of death identified

Andy Blenkle
Died August 24,2018 of Melanoma

Bernie Allen
Died October 22, 2018 of COPD

Rick Cleland
Died December 18, 2018 of Cancer

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